It happens every year and it really shouldn't surprise me. I should realize that once the "Dog days" of late August and early September come, summer is at an end. We usually try to fit in some last minute outdoor activities, knowing full well that before long the snow will fly and we won't be as eager to be outdoors.
The "Dog days" always set me in a reflective mode (in fact every transition to a new season seems to have the effect upon me). As I think about the past 3 months, I'm grateful to have had such a lovely summer. Even though I worked full time this summer, something I haven't done in years, I really enjoyed myself. Here are some of the reasons why:
- Katie is at that age where we can have so much fun together.
- We (Steve, Katie, friends and myself) had many lovely day trips.
- My husband built a beautiful kitchen,
- My husband built a screened in porch which we will enjoy for 3 of the 4 seasons each year,
- I spent days off with my daughter and her friends at the pool,
- I rejoiced in old friendships and built new ones,
- I played mini-golf several times - and didn't count my strokes once ;-)
All in all, I consider myself extremely blessed. Sure we rush around during most of each day just truly to keep all the balls in the air. It is true that for most of us just making it through the day is a juggling act, but it is important to remember that it is during the non-juggling times that lasting memories are formed. I know for myself, it is the memories of fun moments that get me through the stressful moments. I also know that as the fall semester begins, our stressful moments will increase.
This year I resolve to juggle the balls less and to spend more time making fun memories. I hope you will be a part of some of those memories.