This past weekend Katie went camping with her friends Lydia, Gussie, and Miska and their parents. As I dropped her off with her camping gear on Friday morning, it occured to me that this would be the first time that Steve and I have been without Katie for more than a 24 hour period. The first time ever. Because both sets of Katie's grandparents (as well as her aunts and uncles) live so far away, we don't have the luxury of getting a weekend alone together. This weekend was a first.
So you are probably wondering how we spent the weekend. Well being the geeks we are, we went to two lectures on Friday night. We were lucky to hear Duncan Dayton speak to a small group of Geology students on Friday afternoon, and then to a large group of community members in the evening. Duncan Dayton is the producer of the current Ken Burns film about the National Parks. He also worked with Burns on several other projects. He was an engaging and interesting speaker.
It was so nice to sleep in on Saturday. Katie typically has us up and awake between 5:00 and 6:00 on Saturday. We both took advantage of the opportunity to sleep in. On Saturday night we attended a party, something that we most likely would not have done if Katie were home.
Yes it was nice to have the opportunity, but I think we both were thrilled to see Katie on Sunday afternoon (She had a wonderful time and I don't think she missed us a bit).
What is old is new again
7 years ago