Ten years ago today my dad lost his battle with prostate cancer. I find it quite remarkable that it has been ten years since dad passed away. The thought that time passes quickly is such a common cliche, yet time does move on and the living move along with it.
My dad left a tremendous legacy behind. While he may not have been wealthy in money, he was wealthy in so much more. John Thomas McDermott was a man who appreciated life. He looked for the good in everything that he did. His laughter was contagious and he looked for reasons to laugh. My father was genuine and authentic. He was not afraid to take risks.
Each time I step outside my comfort zone and grow as a result, I have my dad to thank. When I find myself talking and laughing with a complete stranger, I am most likely mirroring behavior that my father exhibited every day. So much of who I am is a reflection of him. So much of who my daughter will become will be due to his influence.
I do still miss him terribly, but I know that becuase we continue to honor his memory and remember the things he taught us, dad still lives on.