One of the perks of living in Minnesota is our proximity to the many childhood homes of Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Ingalls family.
Katie has been enjoying the Little House books for years now. Yes we've read her books, we've watched the televison episodes; however, I think that for Katie, the best fun has been dressing up like Laura and her sisters.
Today Katie and I joined our friends Julie, Lydia and Gussie on a trip up the Mississippi River to attend the "Laura Ingalls Wilder Days" in Pepin, WI. Pepin is the birthplace of Laura and is the setting of the first book in the series, "The Little House in the Big Woods". Like each of the Locations of the childhood homes of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Pepin holds an annual celebration in honor of their famous native.
The girls had a great time (in costume of course), exploring the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum. We then made a trek to the park for the rest of the festivities. There were hayrides, a bus trip to visit the "little house in the Big Woods", a fiddle playing contest (Katie's favorite part) and lots of smiles .

I used to read those books too! Katie looks cute, as always, :)
Thanks for the sweet complement. I think she looks cute too!
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