Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dorf, party of three...

While tucking Katie in last night, she asked me what a "dorf" was.

"A dwarf" I replied is "a little person - like the seven little guys that Snow White cleaned up after."

"Not a DWARF," said Katie, "a DORF"

To which I replied, as any good mother would, "well I have no idea what a DORF is, why do you ask?"

Katie then proceeded to tell me that Jamie (one of her best friends) started out the day AS her friend, then was NOT her friend, then WAS her friend again.

Apparently, when she was NOT her friend, she called Katie a "dorf".

It seems as though the two normally good friends had a disagreement over whether or not Katie's playing with a third girl diminished the strength of their friendship. I asked what would happen if the three played together (knowing full well that three first grade girls playing together could collapse the space-time continuum, and send civilization as we know it plummeting toward the Apocalypse).

Katie must have known it too. She replied: "I don't think that would work."

The mom in me knows that we are going to have to explore this further; something tells me this WILL come up again. Any advice or suggestions on how my daughter can play with each friend AND avoid "dorfdom" would be appreciated.

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