On Friday, July 13th, Katie and I went to the Winona County Fair with her friends Lydia and Augusta (Gussie), and their mom, my friend, Julie. This is becoming an annual event for the five of us. We all look forward to certain aspects, Julie and I both love to see the animals. This year I got my wish and saw a baby calf that was several days old. The cows and sheep were very cool. Katie quickly learned how to tell the difference between a beef and milking cow. We all agreed that the pig barn smelled especially yucky this year.
This year Lydia and Katie were entranced by the historical re-enactments. Julie and I stood in the background watching as the girls sat through a presentation by a "Norwegian Homesteader". It was fun to watch the girls interact and ask questions of "Ollie", then enthusiastically share the facts with us later. ... "Did you know that it took him 12 weeks to come to America on a sailing vessel?"
The girls always look forward to going on the rides. I love seeing their smiles as they roll past us. Katie seems to enjoy being a "big sister" to Gussie for the day.

Here Katie and Gussie ride in a fuschia land cruiser.

Lydia and Katie were disappointed that they were too tall to ride in the planes, but Gussie is flying high! What a sweet smile. Augusta, you oughta be in pictures!

The girls cool off with sno cones after visiting the Mary Kay booth. Apparently Katie applied her eye shadow before the "less is more" lesson. She managed to get several days worth of eye shadow onto those lids. Don't they look fierce and fabulous?

After the sno cones, we caught a marionette show. How impressive. This couple travels around the country with their marionettes, they were amazing!

After the show, they brought out Pinnochio to meet all the kids. Here Katie and Gussie get hugs and high fours from the wooden boy.

It looks like Lydia and Katie have a new buddy.
Thanks for making it such a great day Julie, Lydia, and Gussie!
What fun! Was this "The Great Minnesota Get-together"?
No Holls, this fair was "small-time" compared to the State Fair in August.
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