Friday, December 19, 2008

Overdue Fall Photos

Although a Minnesota fall is not the same as that in New England, I always look forward to taking my students on the annual fall field trips to western and northern Minnesota. Here are a few shots of my students hard at work on one of these field trips.
(I believe a click will enlarge them if you so desire)

Here my students are beginning their death march as I lost my way and a 5 minute hike to the Morton Gneiss quarry took about 1/2 hour of circling and backtracking in the brush.

Below are the students mapping basalt dikes that intrude into the Saint Cloud Pink Granite at Stearns County Quarry Park near St. Cloud, MN.

My TA Nicole looking at them from across the quarry wondering if they will every make it to the other side where the really cool stuff is before they run out of time?

Here's a photo of a quiet stream near Cold Springs, MN. I was taking a break while the students wrestled with identifying carlsbad twins in 2 inch long feldspars. (sorry a little geo-geeky there for a moment)

Below are my students are taking a break after lunch near Redwood Falls, MN.

Here the students investigate a fault in a gabbro near Granite Falls, MN.

This is a group photo taken at the University Quarry east of St. Cloud. The rock they are sitting on is known locally as the Reformatory Granite because it was quarried from this location during construction of the reformatory that is literally a stone throw away from where they are sitting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos Steve. LOVE the last one with the reflection.