Thursday, October 25, 2007

Frosty-Foggy Morning II

Katie and I stopped to feed the ducks off the fishing bridge this morning and were greeted by the most beautiful frosty and foggy landscape.

Frosty view of the lakeside pagoda with fog drifting off the bluffs

Make Way for Ducklings!..... Mr. & Mrs. Mallard are off to find a safe place to nest with Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Oack, Pack, and Quack.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Foggy Morning On Lake Winona

After dropping Katie off at School this morning, I had to stop to snap a few pictures. The fog coming off the lake was simply surreal and beautiful. Enjoy~
West Lake looking South toward the bluffs. You can just see the heron flying in the right hand side of the photo.

The view to the East.

This one is like something out of a fairy tale. Gee, maybe if I cross that bridge, I will not have to go the land of 100 ungraded persuasive essays!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Apple Picking

We had a beautiful weekend and took Katie across the river to an apple orchard in Trempealeau, Wisconsin.
We just missed peak foliage time - it was peak last week (and rained the whole time) - but thankfully there was still some color in the trees. I always get homesick for New England in the Fall; no place beats the colors of a New England autumn.

The orchard was lovely and as we took our apples to the register to pay, I saw a sign indicating that they accept cash or checks only, no credit cards. As I had only my check card with me, I told Katie that we were going to have to put our apples back. The owner overheard me and asked if I had forgotten my check book. When I indicated that I had, he told me that he would ring my purchase up and give me a receipt. I could then mail him a check when I got home.

Wow! I'm pretty sure that would never happen in New England!

Katie loved the tractor, and wants one for our back yard.

Here's to the Boys ~ 2007 American League Penant Champs!

Coco Crisp is my hero after last night's final inning. I may even buy chocolate rice crispy bars for my students tomorrow!

God we love them when they do it right - and even when they don't - Now we just gotta nail those Rockies, and claim the Series!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dorf, party of three...

While tucking Katie in last night, she asked me what a "dorf" was.

"A dwarf" I replied is "a little person - like the seven little guys that Snow White cleaned up after."

"Not a DWARF," said Katie, "a DORF"

To which I replied, as any good mother would, "well I have no idea what a DORF is, why do you ask?"

Katie then proceeded to tell me that Jamie (one of her best friends) started out the day AS her friend, then was NOT her friend, then WAS her friend again.

Apparently, when she was NOT her friend, she called Katie a "dorf".

It seems as though the two normally good friends had a disagreement over whether or not Katie's playing with a third girl diminished the strength of their friendship. I asked what would happen if the three played together (knowing full well that three first grade girls playing together could collapse the space-time continuum, and send civilization as we know it plummeting toward the Apocalypse).

Katie must have known it too. She replied: "I don't think that would work."

The mom in me knows that we are going to have to explore this further; something tells me this WILL come up again. Any advice or suggestions on how my daughter can play with each friend AND avoid "dorfdom" would be appreciated.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Mighty Mississippi

I begin and end each work day with a 30 minute drive long the Mississippi River. Often, it is the best part of my day, I have the rare occasion to gear up for my day or to wind down at its end. It is quite easy to see how the "Big Muddy" has become the stuff of legend and lore. In some places the river seems like a simple channel of water, then I will become surprised when I drive a stretch of the road that is elevated and I can see just how vast the river is. Those channels only appear small due to the number of islands and sandbars on the river. I can understand why Mark Twain put 'Ol Jim and Huck out on the river. Even though they didn't "travel" on this section of the river, I can picture them setting up camp on any number of these sandbars.

I am often amazed by serenity of the river; my favorite time is when the temperature of the air drops below that of the water, and the river gets a misty fog on the surface. There is something so mysterious and peaceful about the look of it.

We still have steam-driven paddlewheel boats that cruise up and down the river, shuttling locals and tourists along the water. Its a slow moving boatride - not for those who prefer power boats or jet skis; rather, for those who want to take in the surrounding landscape, sight a heron or bald eagle, or simply slow down and breathe.
Perhaps you will come visit us and take a ride along the waters?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Uncle Chris

Today is the birthday of my brother, and Katie's fabulous Uncle, Chris (what a handsome guy!). We don't get to see him much because he lives so far from us but we cherish the time we do have with him.

We hope your day is wonderful Chris! We will lift a Guinness in your honor.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ice Time

Katie began playing hockey this week. We have a fanatastic "learn to skate" program in town and everything is free for the first year (gear, equipment, etc...). Katie tried the figure skating and the hockey "open skate" and decided to go out for hockey.

Today was her second day on the ice. She started out pretty slowly, sort of shuffling like Tim Conway when he does his "old man" character. Of course, practice make perfect. It didn't take long before she was moving quicker and with more confidence.

Of course it is always easier to do something new when you meet a new friend!
Here she is getting right up after falling. By the end of the hour, when she fell she was up in a split second!

I am so proud of her, Katie showed persistance and tenacity on the ice. Many kids would have given up after falling constantly, but Katie stuck with it. She says: "skating is great, awesome, cool, and fun." I think her smile says it all.