Sunday, March 23, 2008

All I want for Easter is my two front teeth...

Katie lost her two front teeth this week. The second one had been dangling from her mouth for over a week, seemingly connected by just a thread of tissue. Personally, I don't have the stomach for yanking teeth and she wanted it out desperately but lost her nerve every time she or Steve tried to yank it. She kept trying to "knock it out" by eating apples and raw carrots, but even those time tested teeth looseners failed her. Of course it came out when she least expected it, in school during math class. Let's hope it doesn't sour her on Mathematics from now on!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Our little Fish

Editorial note: I really, really need a faster digital camera! Most of the photos I took this weekend are blurry due to shutter delay. What you are about to see are the best of the lot, and they are not that spectacular...sorry.
Our Saturday mornings are usually pretty hectic; one of the reasons for that is that Katie has swimming on Saturdays. She is such a little fish and has been doing so well, she's mastered a good many of the strokes and is pretty fast too (as far as first graders go). The best part is that she loves it so much. I usually have to drag her out of the pool once her session is over. Of course there are worse things in a parent's life! (In the photo above, Katie is in the middle and just completed a 40 yard front crawl).

This week the kids worked on dives off the board. Katie performed a perfect belly flop. Surprisingly, she came out of the water smiling and ready to have another go at it. (In the photo above, she is the fourth in line).