Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to School ~ Yippee!!!

In all seriousness, we've been pretty busy over the past week getting all our ducks in a row for the first day of classes. Steve started back with students on Monday, today is my first day of classes, and Katie begins classes next Tuesday.

From a personal perspective, I love the first day of school. Of course that may be why I became a teacher. I really think I may have the greatest job in the world: I get to work with students who are looking to improve their lives, every semester I have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of anywhere from 100 to 120 students, I am in a position to help students see their potential and realize that they can do great things, I can help them to realize that they can have an impact in the world, I work with (for the most part) charismatic and enthusiastic people, and if for some reason I hate my schedule I get to start over every five months. What's not to love?

There is always so much promise on the first day of classes. Students are wide-eyed and enthused, they want to succeed and do well. I call the first couple of weeks "the honeymoon period" and always hope that I can make it last until December.

If you are going to dream, you've got to dream big!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your enthusiasm for working with students is among the most important qualities a teacher can possess. I appreciate it very much.